join up! for the Denver Santa Pub Crawl. There are many crawls in Denver but this one goes a little later, is closer to Christmas, and other than your heathen alcohol it is FREE!

... News group oriented around the musical projects of Jacob Bryner, Jacob Johnson, and Jeffrey Fullmer who collectively make up the music group "Nadia Pero".
Thanks to everybody who came out to Why Sound Saturday night. You made all the difference... we love you all.
This show was certainly our last show in Utah for a while, however Nadia Pero is by no means done. Nadia Pero is and has always been a three way collaboration between 'Full Metal Lizard' (Jeff Fullmer), 'J-Dub' (Jacob Bryner), and 'Portrait' (Jake Johnson). remains the news headquarters for all three of these projects as well as future Nadia Pero shows ands recordings.
Drop us some comments on the site, we would love to hear what you thought of the show... from now on will be our base of operation, and since the members will now be spread out, a way to disburse new music and show dates. Please follow the blog to stay up to date with Nadia Pero news and the more you interact with the site with comments etc.... the more we will integrate your comments and communicate back. I have set up the site so that we can count the visits... this traffic will be one of the sole determinants for us landing a spot on tour in the future. With the exposure we have seen so far, its looking like Nadia Pero (and the subgroups within) will have a very nice future.
As always spread the demo, spread the love. Thank you for all the support. Stay in Touch!
Jeff - Full Metal Lizard - Nadia Pero