Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Chinese Scientists Engineer the World's Smartest Rat

By Stuart Fox Posted 10.20.2009

In a development that gives Acme Labs and NIMH a run for their money, scientists in Georgia and China have collaborated to create the world's smartest rat. The genetically engineered rat, Hobbie-J, over-expresses a gene that regulates neuron communication, greatly enhancing the rat's ability to navigate mazes and remember toys.
This new rat confirms a decade-old experiment run by the same scientists that increased the intelligence of a mouse by changing the same gene. The gene, called NR2B, regulates the pores on neurons. By increasing pore activity, the scientists effectively increased processing speed of the rat's brain.
The researchers hope this discovery will lead to drugs that target NR2B specifically. Diseases like Alzheimer's affect NR2B expression, so a drug that causes the gene to over-express could counteract the affects of the disease. Similarly, a regular person could conceivably take the drug to become even smarter.
There are upper limits for the drug, though. While it can make a rat better at navigating a maze, it cannot grant the rat new intelligences beyond the known limits of rat comprehension. Or, at least that's what the rat wants us to think as it tries to take over the world.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Nadia Pero Exposure: Gimme

Nadia Pero..s Live CD "Live in Logan" is here!
Nadia Pero's last show @ Why Sound was recorded and the tracks have been mixed down and are now available! Right now the only thing we have is exposure so let us know what you think of the demo.

Listen and download directly head to Http://

As always, demos are free.
For a preburned Demo or live shows on DVD please contact

If you already have a Nadia Pero Demo!
Please PLEASE! leave your mark so we know who's out there. Comment on the site, ( or join up with our facebook or myspace pages... or if you would like to be on a mailing list drop a line saying so to

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Much Needed Update!

Hey everybody, I've been running into a few people that have been sayin things like "it's to bad you guys broke up" or "hey dude, when's your next show?"  so I figured it would be helpful to get an official statues of the band out there so people aren't confused.  Right now our lovely drummer Jake Johnson is back in Connecticut livin the life with his family and working hard so he can vacation out here again (hopefully).  Jeff and I (guitar/bass) are busy with school and Jeff is getting ready to be done with school this semester as I prepare to go teach english in China for a bit, this may mean that there will be no shows in the immediate future.  Jeff and I when there's free time attempt to find different percussionists so we can have a tempo to practice with and potentially play a few shows with just to stay warm with our instruments, but unfortunately free time is a rarity these days. 
  Me and Jeff are constantly working on recordings and we'll try to get those up for you so you can have new content even if we're not able to play live for a while, thanks for your continued support, and as always let us know what you think of the CD, and other such things.

peace for now

Jacob Wayne Bryner -